Title of work: Fictional characters on 1:1 scale that are all on their own in a gigantic space
Technique: Wood, buttons, Raspberri PI, ATMega32u4, Hdmi Screen, Apache, Html, Css, Java, Gif Aimation Format: 60 x 60 x 10 cm Artist statement: Custom Animated Avatars that are stripped from their purpose and are forced to live in the dark dungeons of a network controlled environment for all eternity. Controlled by the audience, the installation plays with the notion of digital space vs physical space. “Fictional characters on 1:1 scale that are all on their own in a gigantic space”, aims to play with the immateriality of the digital space, through its networked ability. The extent to which the interface su uses everyday life is attested by the development of what is increasingly referred to as the “Internet of Things.” describing the communication between the Internet and uniquely identifiable objects, effectively enabling the Internet to reach into dimensions of physical space. The installation consists of a custom-made interface that features a screen and buttons used to control the generated animated fictional character, stripped from its usual surroundings. The audience is able to move the character around, who wanders around in an empty space. This space, is inherently endless: it can regenerate itself countless times. The same counts for the fictional character, as is it got extracted from a videogame, which can be swapped and changed for a new character with the push of a button. marieke.nu |