Title of work: When I think of touch
Technique: Digital image and text Format: Paper A3 Artist statement: Using storytelling of personal experience as a centrifugal point I hope to verbalise and to point to problematics in society around birth, the post-natal, mental health, and care. These personal glimpses I share open the pathway for others to question and share their own experiences. There is so much unsaid about the subject of Motherhood which is hugely complex and emotive for so many. We have been bombarded with often sentimentalised narratives, where the dark side has no place. However personal the works are, they speak of often universal experiences to lesser and greater degrees, and via sharing and discussion possibilities for healing and awareness can be achieved. Since beginning this project, I have been focusing on mediums which enable immediacy, the unrehearsed and repetition/revisiting. This means a clay practice using sculpture and video, with also drawing, text, video sketches/actions and haptic expressions using matter. The works shown mark an initiation into a new phase of my practice, and a beginning phase. From here onwards the personal will include multiple questions around society, common experience and new solutions to systems not fit for purpose. corrinathornton.info |