Title of work: Djuret del 1
Technique: Tufted leftover fibres from textile industry production on a welded metal frame Format: Sculpture Artist statement: Danish: Udgangspunktet for Maria Victoria’s kunstnerskab er kroppen. Hun arbejder indenfor performance, skulptur, installation og scenekunst med en stærk interesse for materialitet. Det abjekte og kroppens forhold til natur er et gennemgående tema i hendes praksis. Ved brug af textiler og fundne objekter undersøger hun kropslighed igennem skulpturelle objekter. English: The starting point for Maria Victoria’s artistic work is the body. She works within fields such as performance, sculpture, installation and performing arts, with a strong interest in materiality. The abject and the body’s relation to nature is a throughout theme in her practise. With use of textiles and found objects she is investigating corporeality through sculptural objects. |